Thursday, October 6, 2011


hurm..i doubt that no one actually read my blog ^^;;;

i feel like wanted to abandon this blog but oh well,since i already have it so i  just might continue posting new post

this post i will only put my doodle ^^;;

since lately i been playing harvest moon non-stop =p
so,you can see the main character and Cam (one of bishie guy in harvest moon,lol) inside my drawing


  1. I read!

    Now you have reason of continue writing your blog right?

    Mine is the one that don't have ppl to read...

    Anyway nice doodle!

  2. haha,as u might wan to know,this is the first time i updated a blog this much

    as my previous blog,i post 1 or 2 post then i totally abandon it XD

  3. Who say nobody read your blog? They are people who check out your blog, don't ask me why. So it would be a waste if you just abandoned this one. It has turn into such a fine blog IMO :x

    Anyway, keep it up.
